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Heywood Pension Pulse

Combining original research and expert insights to highlight the critical role of accurate data in pensions.
Pension Pulse Website Image

Key highlights

Original research and findings from the analysis of 3 million member records, and expert commentary that reveals how accurate data can reduce costs, mitigate risks, and enhance member experiences across the pensions industry.
1 in 5
Based on our findings, we believe that as many as one in five dashboard queries could result in a “possible match”, rather than a confirmed match.
We found that more than one in 50 (2.33%) of scheme members of a pensionable age are dead, but their deaths have not been reported to pension schemes in a timely way
On average,  our data shows that 9.44% of member addresses are wrong, exposing risks linked to data privacy

Inaccurate data isn’t just a challenge—it’s a costly risk. As the pensions industry faces transformative changes, from the roll-out of pensions dashboards to de-risking strategies like Bulk Purchase Annuities, the need for accurate data has never been more critical.

Our first-ever Pension Pulse report reveals the stark realities of data accuracy across UK pension schemes.

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David Rich (1)


David French


Chris Connelly
Chief Strategy Officer

Louise Donohue
Chief Operating Officer

David Rich
Head of Data Propositions

David French
Head of Data and Analytics Solutions

Heywood Pension Pulse

In 2025 the need to ensure the accuracy of member data has become even more urgent, with the launch of the pensions dashboards approaching, and with many DB schemes considering Bulk Purchase Annuity (BPA) and consolidation de-risking transactions, pricing of which must be based on an accurate picture of scheme liabilities.

With "DataReady," Heywood provides access to first-class data sourcing and management tools. From meticulous data analysis and cleaning to advanced automation solutions, our services empower you to take complete control of your data.​